Saturday, August 6, 2022

Grandsons Cookbook Begins!...Healthy "Study-Pops!"

 Hey everyone...hope all is going great! I know school is approaching and you may even be getting some kiddos off to college. It's hard and I've been there and the thought of my grandson Davin going off to college when he's only 11 now is over whelming. But this is what he recipes healthier so he can have them when he goes off to college. This has been a bit emotional project for me...just thinking about me not being "here" one day for him brings me to tears. He's at that age where he knows how precious memories are especially with the recent passing of my dad. Plus, he knows his "Gege"...not like I'm going to be doing his "cookbook" overnight. :-) These "Study-Pops" are so d'lish and easy to make. Perfect study snack for any college student. If I know him, he'll use them as a protein snack when he works out. But the main thing is they are healthy, and he'll think of me when he's making them (see the note) :-) You can also add more nuts...a few chocolate chips to the mix as well. This easy recipe would be fun for the "little kiddos" bowl wonder and no baking :-) Enjoy!

Blessed Cooking from My Home to Yours,


Follow on Facebook...Pinterest & Instagram @ihearditthroughthequiltvine

Here's all you need...

* one 4 oz. pkg Creative Snacks Co, "Organic Coconut Snacks" w/ Chis Seeds, sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds
* 1/4 c Organic in the Raw (Agave Nectar)
* 3/4 c. Justine Classic Almond Butter
* 1/2 tsp. cinnamon (optional)
* 1/4 tsp. nutmeg (optional) 
* Pinch of salt

Here's all you do...

* Line a small baking pan (one that will fit in fridge) w/ parchment paper
*In a large bowl "crumble" the coconut mixture into tiny pieces w/ hands :-)
* Stir in agave nectar "mix well"
* Sprinkle in your cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, mix well
* Now add your peanut butter and stir until mixed through. 
* Using an ice cream scoop...scoop into small balls and place onto parchment paper.
* Flash freeze for about 20 minutes.
* Remove and place into small freezer bags & freeze until needed.

.Now when you're studying...just thaw for about 10 minutes and "Pop" in your mouth for a super-healthy study snack! :-)

Note...nut allergies please read allergen info on bag!