Saturday, March 28, 2020

"CLEANING Old School w/ Baking Soda!"

Good morning....hope all is well. I know we all are going through a difficult time so I wanted to take a few moments and share a cleaning tip. I've been shopping and due to the short supply of cleaning products it made me realize of how lucky I am to be my age. No humor intended...but with my generation we cleaned a bit different. We used "elbow grease" which is another story of how my sweet grandmother Lottie had me looking for hours to find it! But we used "baking soda" for cleaning and washing and sanitizing. I was shocked at the grocery store recently when I saw cleaning products unavailable but a huge assortment of "baking soda." I've been speaking with people lately that either didn't know about how useful the product is or with all the stress going on just completely forgot. The amount you do mix depends on what you are trying to clean and always keep the product out of a children.
You can for benefits and use of baking soda. But below are some tips that I've used it for.
Remember safety first and 2gether with Gods grace we can get through anything!

Blessings from My Home to Yours,
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*clean store bought produce....mixed with water gently removes the waxy coating on produce.
*clean countertops & stainless steel sinks
*I personally use to clean my cutting boards after each use!
*HELPS to remove spaghetti stains on plastic containers....honestly, I've learned to store leftover spaghetti sauce is glass containers. My OCD "Only Cat Does" kicks in! :-)
*Store a new open box in your refrigerator to absorb smells. I change out monthly...probably could keep for a few months then discard but my OCD takes over :-)
*Helps to disinfect toothbrushes and use as a mouthwash while mixed with water. Don't swallow if used as a mouthwash....just swish and spit :-) I wouldn't recommend this for a child.
*Helps to disinfect toys when mixed with water! Yes, if my daughter only knew how much I did this when she was young...again my OCD!
* Helps to remove "crayon marks" on walls.....don't ask how I know but will say it does depend on what type of paint you have on your walls so test a small area first. Hopefully you only have a "small area to clean'" ;-) :-) :-)
Kids are under stress to right now....their schedule has changed....they aren't seeing their friends to laugh with so it's up to us parents....grand parents to help them get through this time as well. I recently told my grandson Davin that he is making history. He thought that was pretty cool especially when he asked me if I ever had school via computer. Of course my answer was no we didn't even have computers! Again, sometimes humor is the best medicine amongst chsos.
Be strong and keep the faith!

Friday, March 6, 2020


Hey everyone....hope your weekend is off to a great start. As I've previously posted, I'm on a "weight-loss-journey." I'm very blessed to have my sweet daughter Nichole as my "life coach." A few months back she recommended for me to "write down what I eat throughout the day," so I can see the things that need improvement. Be "count-a-ble."  I just love her! Well....I did try for a few days and then it became a huge slap in the face of when you think you are cooking and or baking healthy but you're really not. So.....I took her advice but on "Mom's pace"....#babysteps! ;-)
What I started to do and have to say pretty much have stayed on track, is that every month I "give up" something that I love to eat or in some case, drink. Yes, it seems that it will take longer but for me it's working & not so frustrating. Loosing weight can be a task but if you make it work for you & realize that your health is important. Stop and think of all your loved ones that depend on you. If our health is bad we are no good to help others. Plus, it's amazing how you'll feel. I know, this has helped my self-esteem....self-confidence & I've only lost 13 pds. Can't wait to see how I fell in the near future.
My adopted sweet daughter Heather recently stated for me to watch out for the carbs as well. A lot of "sugar free" items have more carbs which can be worse depending on your system & exercise routine. I love these girls....both smart and beautiful & health conscious. I'm truly blessed!
Below is a few tips of what I've "deleted" in my journey so far. If you know me "coffee" is a big part of my life, so read on for my "caffeine tip." :-) Hope this helps & please feel free to email me any of your tips you'd like to share!

Blessings from My Home to Yours,
email q'
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February….diet sodas (mostly just water w/lemon) afternoon coffee!!!! This was and still is a huge deal for me but let me share this tip. In the morning I slice a lemon into wedges and place in a container in fridge. Not only is it convenient throughout the day but it's a steady reminder when I open the fridge of what only to drink. I squeeze a lemon into my bottled water and I'm good to go! In the afternoon, I'm now doing the same instead of my coffee. The lemon is a natural detox for your body so it's a in my book :-)

My morning routine!