Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Cats Tip of the Day!..."Time-saving Meal Prep!"

 Hey y'all...hope all is going great for you. I'm recuperating from one of my surgeries and I wanted to share this time-saving tip with you. It seems everyone's daily life schedule is hectic and not enough hours in the day. Plus, for some odd reason "dinner time" is a task instead of a time of togetherness. Looking back, I wish we would have sat together at the table more. We all had busy schedules and dinner time during the week didn't get the attention that it should have...hmmm. Sundays were always a day of Church and family time around the table. But during the week it was a grab & go,,,sit up at the kitchen bar.... eat in the living room...boy I could go on with the statement. Sad to say now that everyone is grown, I noticed that my routine is still the same. My dinners now are pretty simple but still delicious due to my limits. Gathering around the kitchen and less around the dinner table. I'm going to challenge myself and maybe y'all to have more family time around the dinner table if you haven't already. Our daily lives are so crazy, and I honestly don't know how y'all do it with kiddos activities. I am proud to say that my daughter does carry on the tradition of weekend togetherness at the table. As a designer I feel the "trend" from sitting at the table to congregating around the kitchen island is because we started designing the huge kitchen island. But I will admit it's so convenient. :-) I'm"guilty" of decorating the table especially for the Holiday's and don't want to mess it up in the meantime. Ridiculous right? My step-grandson even said last Christmas "Gege which towel can I use?" Oh, my word that was embarrassing but led me too how obsessed I am with everything being perfect. Your lives need a little break. I can't add more time to the day for you, but I can share a fast and convenient meal prep to help you with your hectic dinner time meals. I'm still trying to lose weight and I eat a lot of "ground chicken." But for me chicken is pretty bland. Seasoning is a bit more challenging for me now that I'm older and watching my salt intake. So recently I saw a pkg of "Herb ox" sodium free granulated chicken bouillon. I grew up with the cubes, but these are individual season packets and sodium free. Oh my gosh y'all...adding a pkt to ground chicken when cooking has been a dream come true. I also add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste. I cook one pound of ground chicken and season as above then divide in half for two meals. Of course, I'm just cooking for 2 but you could do the same and just adjust to how much meat you are cooking. Taking a few minutes and prepping ahead will definitely help you throughout the week, I love to make soups...chili...tacos...enchiladas...casseroles...etc. with this meal prep. It's convenient and you'll be surprised at how much you don't waste by prepping your meals. I wish everyone a less-hectic week but in the meantime, I hope you try this time-saving tip. Enjoy!

Blessed Cooking from My Home to Yours,


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Here's all you weekly meal prep pound of ground chicken...cooked with a half of a bell pepper and seasoned with 1 tablespoon of tomato paste and one packet of sodium free chicken bouillon. let cool and divide into two freezer-friendly containers. 

Thanks for following and talk soon!


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~Sending you thanks and blessings from my home to yours